


Nono, Im not gonna sing that song.
But something beautiful happened y-day that I want to remember.
Ive been home alone for 5 days now and Im kinda loosing my mind. But then I took a walk outside (ok I actually took 5 walks, but...) and I was walking near forest and suddenly saw 5 dears running away from me. It was beeeeautiful and I shouted in joy. It filled my heart with happiness! :)
Anyway, sometimes its the little things that matter, not big at all. The little things that happen to make us happy. The little things we can do to make others happy. :)

SENDING MY love to you today! :)


Vivvu said...

armastan sind ka ;)

Kirsika said...

oi Vivi, kui sa teaks, kuidas ma sind vastu armastan ;)