

Day10: Day of Rest

Hey beautiful women and handsome men...
I have a day of rest, and also tomorrow. I mean I have 2 days off, but guess what? Im here, in B&B coz its the only place I can use internet. Its 11:55 am or smth here and Im kinda thinking I want to watch a movie today. Maybe Pride and Prejudice? The longer version which is like 6 hours, I think I won´t end it today but I might give it a start anyway... And I need to do a little shopping! :) Food needed in the appartment! Tomorrow I might go to a church with Rui Chi and have a real Sunday! :D haha, just to give it the try. So we´ll see how that goes. And then maybe have a lunch out somewhere.
Its weird to have a day off, not working or anyhing, just being. Oh and I actually slept 9,5 hours tonight, wow, thats a bigbig thing for me!
I have a secret that I cant yet tell, but I think I might have some of my music on a CD in a near future. If that´s in God´s plans then it will happen anyway, right? ;)

hugs, Kirsi

1 comment:

emme said...

Armastan sind päiksekiir ja tean ,et sinu unistused ja igatsused saavad vastatud!!!