

Day2: Baby-lambs

My yesterday was strange and good. I slept most of the day. I woke up, went back to bed. Woke up, went back to bed. And in the evening went to sleep arpund 10pm again... I think Im getting back all those stolen sleeps in here that have been missing. Anyway. After the 3rd sleep I needed some fresh air and went outside to take pictures of the sheep. And I found what I was looking for: baby-sheep, little lambs. Wow, I was so amazed and so in love with them, but they wanted to run away of course. Im gonna continue visiting them so maybe in a while they will recognize me and let me be with them.
I have to say ppl in Wales are weird. Haha, well, let me explain. They eat so little all day long, salad or soup for lunch and then suddenly around 8pm they have such a huge feast. We had potatoes, vegetables, chicken and for dessert we had ice cream, custard (with amazing fruit in it), and I made something (I cant remember the name) from egg whites. It was crazy amount of food. And later we watched Surf´s Up! :) Good day I must say. A day of rest! :)
So today NO PLANS. Bueno. WHoohohoo. I am gonna sleep, eat and maybe go to a cinema. ;)
Hugs to you as you read this. I miss you very much (ok, maybe if I dunno you, then I dont know to miss you!)! :)


raki said...

hüppa läbi

raki said...

ja lille pilti armusin. desktopi laks raudseltttt