

Day 89:

Now then. Sometimes instead of admitting we did wrong we try to justify ourselves. But here I am saying, I messed up and I am sorry. I shouldnt have written that previous post thats erased now. I just shouldnt have. I cant take it back. Whats done thats done. I can just say that I will try to do better next time. Maybe I should shut up sometimes and not write for a while. Maybe. But I probably wont. I will probably make more mistakes and I will regret again and again. But thats life.
Coz you see: "We live, we love, we forgive and never give up, coz the days we are given are gifts from above and today we remeber to live and to love!!!"
And I am learning to ask forgivness. Coz thats all whats this about. Forgiving one another and moving on.


emme said...

Tead ,hea olla me ise ka köigi oma tunnetega ja olla ka ausad ning jääda ausaks...jää alati endaks!!!Olen nii uhke sinu yle ja armastan sind yle köige...

Anonymous said...

(hea et ära kustutasid, nii võib ikka päris haiget saada/teha... kõike pole vaja netti panna...)