

Day 62: Mascara

As I faithfully promised to write if 15 comments have been written then here I am again. THANK YOU, wow, I know now I have a darn good reason to continue my blog! And be welcome to comment more on my last blog if you haven´t yet coz I say sometimes we do things and we dont even know why, now I know that people are actually interested in what I have to say!

But hey, why is this post named mascara? ;) Wink to this one. Let me explain this as I go on... See, we have a Father´s Heart Teaching Week going on right now in our B&B and to be honest I think its my 6th school I have been to. I love being a part of this wonderful team here. I am a part of something bigger then I actually understand probably! But hey, one has to do what one is called to do right? So there I am last night, sitting and listening to the preaching and later on some music while people are being prayed at and just listening what Dad is saying to me... And suddenly all over me comes this feeling of "white". And I just cry. And dad keeps talking to me. And mascara keeps dissapearing while tears wash over my face. Now see my point? I think mascara should be banned from FHS-s... Seriously, whats the point of putting make up on if its being washed away anyway??? I am not going into details what happened, its between me and dad and some things are way too personal to share in this blog even though I would love to. I can just say that Dad loves me and HE LOVES ME IN WHITE!!!!!!!! He has clothed each and everyone into white coz we are new to Him every day!!!! As longs as we keep close to Him He just keeps giving us white clean clothes every day.

So keep on going my friend. Yeah, we make mistakes. Yeah, we fall. Yeah, we get hurt and we hurt others. But you know, He has this white dress for you anyway! He keeps it for you coz He knows you need it! He knows how much you NEED His love! And there is nothing like HIS love! No boy´n´girl can give you this love. Uuuh believe me, been there tried that! And sometimes still looking for this wordly love! I mean yes yes yes, BEING IN LOVE with someone is wonderful but being HIS first is beyond words! Read this again ok? Now do not get offended! :)

My fam is here in a week next Tueseday! Mmmmum, I MISS YOU! And of course I miss the bread you´re gonna bring... ;)

Now, friend, do not forget me ok? I mean, I have been here a little over 2 months already and sometimes I fear that I will be forgotten by my Estonians. But do not forget me ok? I am not sure when I am able to visit you but you are in my little heart. I think it has grown bigger lately (hihih) but yes yes yes, I love you and miss you! :)


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