

Day 51: Purple

Purple - royalty and nobility!
So yesterday on my day off I did a little bit of shopping in Bala. Let me say this - shopping here takes 30 minutes max! And on a good day maybe 31 minutes! ;) But somehow I found myself in a charity shop and was just looking around when they took out some new stuff. And I saw it. A dress, a purple dress! And I knew Im gonna have it. The lady handed it to me and I didnt even try it on. Coz I new I will love it anyway. So I treated myself first time in 2 months. I love it. And its purple. I think you already know my favourite color. I think I was 15 when I started to wear more purple... And now half of my closet is filled with purple and other half with stripes! :D Anyway, somehow in purple I feel beautiful. I feel royal. And noble. And these 2 words have always been the characteristics of purple. So here it is! ;)
Yesterday we had such a wonderful time together with V+R. Since we had a day off they invited us over for dinner. Wow. SO MUCH PIZZA. yumm. YUMMM! But here is the thing. When I was a teenager I was able to eat a HUGE pizza alone. Now I was full with 2 pieces. 2 freaking pieces and I was full??????????? Whats with that? Well there was also a huge amount of salads but still. Maybe its all in my head. Maybe I just can´t eat more. Maybe it has still smth to do with what I went through some years ago... maybe its just one way to keep my figure. In my head at least. So here I am, its 7.35 am and Im about to have breakfast. I am a bit of freak but what can you do. At least I am a good freak! :D
Dear ones, enjoy your weekend ok? :)

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