Now this is a challenge for you all!! I KNOW YOU are reading my blog coz you are here now right???? :) SO I have a tiny little mission to you! I want you to comment this post because I want to know WHY you are reading my blog!! Take this 3-4 minutes and write to me!! WHY are you here? What draws you back to these posts? I need a tiny bit of knowledge in that area. So please be so kind and do that! It doesnt take a piece of you believe me! ;) It just makes me happy and I know u wanna see me happy (A little manipulator am I sometimes, hehe)! :)
Love, cherrry-winyface-girl.
PS! Im not gonna write a new blog until I have at least
15 why´s ok? So its up to you now! ;)
See on tore, et ma saan lugeda, kuidas sul läheb, mida sa teed ja kus sa parasjagu oled. Me siin väga igatseme su järele ja see on hea, et sa meid oma tegemistega ikka kursis hoiad. Pealegi sul on siin tihti väga julgustavad ja head sõnavõtud. Kallistan! :)
You reflect these pieces of not only your life but your feelings that many people can relate to. Yet, you are rather open and spontaneous with each and every post, so this keeps bringing me back.
ma ka satun vahel siia hehe :P
aga tore lugeda, kuidas sul läheb ja mis teed jne :)
cause your blogs are very sincere and encouraging :)
KAllis oled kirsi!!:D
Su blogi on täis huvitavaid seike, sa julged rääkida asjadest mida paljud ei julgeks iial rääkida, sa oled lahe Issi tytar,sinu blogi on üks lahedamaid lk mida ma iga päev loen;D see on nagu hea raamat,kui korra oled alustanud ei suuda enam ära panna.:D Pane aga edasi kallis!! never stop.:D kallis oled
saadan suured kallid
Merili kom meeldin mulle sajaga
Sest nii hea on teada, et sul on kõik hästi :). Ma armastan seda, kuidas ja millest sa kirjutad. Ja armastan SIND!
Sest mulle meeldib vabadus sinus...tahan seda rohkem ja siis sellepärast ,et oled minu tytar!!!
just cause i love you :)
Hei, Kirsika! Loen su blogi, sest põnev on näha, kuidas erinevad inimesed elu näevad, mis nende elus toimub, mida Jumal teeb jne. Ja igaühel on midagi olulist maailmale öelda, nii et parem on kui oma kõrvad ja silmad lahti hoiame :)
Sa kirjutad mõnusasti ja hästi ja tore on kuulda, mis su elus toimub.
Ilus tüdruk ilusate mõtetega!♥
What? I don't read your blog. *wink*
I miss you, that's why. :-)
niii nüüd tuleb veel kribada,et 15 täis saaks.:D:D:D ootan põnevusega järgmist sissekannet.:D;););)
kallis oled!!!
sest sa oled tore ja hea on lugeda sinu m6tteid ja elu ,hetkedel kui ei saa istuda koos ja jutustada, siis vahemalt saab lugeda :)
tuuli :)
Haha Kirsu, you're funny :D
But I'm not gonna tell you why I'm reading your blog, cuz I'm not sure yet if I really know why I'm doing it. All I know is that I have to read it ;).
Oh and one thing, I haven't read others' comments on that blog but more than the reasons why they read it, you keep on going and first of all write what's on your heart and what is God asking you to write... instead of pleasing us, readers. Candys are always good and yummy but in order to survive we need to eat something more than that. Baparapaaa :)
Love you, sweetie!
Oh and as a response to your next blog (I first read the newer entry and then this one), you're always in my heart. Don't worry, no matter how great is the distance, real love never fades, as long as we keep our hearts open ;)
You don't know me but we are similar in some things. That makes me read what's going on in your life :)
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