

Because Im someone who absolutely cannot live without music and I tend to listen to whatever new I find from youtube I found out I have a bit of a problem. I am influenced. I have started to listen to a lot of wordly music again (which in general is not a bad thing) and its not like 1 song a day but many many songs... And katshing, it has totally done something to my heart. So Im not saying Im like against that, its just, it can do more harm then you realize. More harm then I realized. I have suddenly this realization in my heart from God after I heard a small nudge: "Be seperate!". Its like you think you can run and run and never get tired but heck you will. At one point you´re so tired and need to rest. I thought I can just listen to whatever I want. But if its giving me an uneasy feeling then why should I ruin my heart day after day?
So why am I telling this?
Well, sometimes we can get so mingled, so mixed up with wordly ways that we dont really see the line between us and the world anymore. OF C we live in this world, but even the Bible says we are not of this world. And dont you dare to understand me wrong here. I think music is good. It has been created by someone who LOVES music. Every musician included. But you know its like with TV, you find yourself so caught up and then 10 hours has passed and you have just soaked in nothing. Soaked in the bad news, in soap-operas, in reality-shows and I mean, do you feel good after that? How good? Tell me. Let me know if Im saying something wrong here...
So I want to challenge myself. Not you. Not today. Its me. I am the one who has been so caught up in wordly ways that I wake up in the morning the first thing I hear in my head is : "...Lalalla, spell on me, spell on me..." or something more or less like that.

And now. A way back into love (well, thats a song as well, but its a good one, kind of). :) I am finding my way back into some new stuff and its great. Its scary but worth it. Drinking my tea again and thinking how great it is to wake up early when everyone else is still asleep and just take my time being. Doing not a lot but just being. :)
Played a bit of guitar yesterday and heck, I need to practise more. And more. And more. If I ever want to get somewhere I need to do it. I need to put more time into it, not just 30 minutes of my day. OK now that I said it out loud here I cant take it back here. So you remind me, deal? ;)

See you soon, my beautiful, my precious friend.

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