

Day 42: Make up

Make up make up make up. I know I have had quite a few blogs about that topic but here is another one. Just to give you a little glympse whats been going on...

So I came here 42 days ago totally addicted to make up. I mean since we broke up with Timo I was having make up on every day just to feel pretty enough. Just to be someone. How can I explain it... I havent been with someone for 4 months now and I just needed this comfort. Even here in Bala, I mean, I work in a B&B and I was putting on make up every morning the first few weeks. But also I have had a lot of conversations with Rui Chi and N about it. Because they are assuring me I dont need make up to be pretty (like Rui Chi said she feels like she is living together with Angelina Jolie). And so for a week now I have had less and less mascara and face powder and today had non. And I actually felt good about myself. I felt pretty. AND I still feel! So here I am. Sitting on a couch writing this blog and thinking that why on earth we women spend so much time, so much money, and so much tears because we dont feel pretty. We dont feel worthy.

Ok and dont get me wrong now. I am not saying that make up is from devil and bad! :D nooo, a little make up is good and ok. But dont do it because you think you´re nothing without it coz you ARE EVERYTHING without it! God has made you to be everything! :) bbbbelieve it and recieve it! You are lovable! And I love you! :) You´re beautiful just the way you are! ;)


Anonymous said...

yep you are right!!!
Thanks for sharing this......btw I have never used make up at all in my whole live!!

Hug and love Ellemieke

Kirsika said...

Well, u´re beautiful without it. AND from the comments of your husband I believe HE LOVES U VERY VERY MUCH without make up!!!!!!! :)