


I have been to Tallinn twice this week, which almost never happens! On W-day I went to record 2 new songs (Im so very excited to see what the outcome is, it will take some time) and yesterday we went to lead worship in a small university students gathering and it was so good! It was such a precious time together; the topic was Godly healing versus doctors etc. Something like that, hard to translate! But at one point my dad felt strong in his heart to stand up and share a bit of Father´s love to this group of people and it was so good! Im so proud of him, the love he has now for people just overflows and I know God has so much more for my family. We desire to help people, its in our nature now, we desire to see changes happening. Both physical and mental, heart-changes! So yesterday was good! Im happy we decided to go against my flesh that said, oh Im so tired... ;) Im really happy to see new places opening up, new doors opening up! So many invitations and its not about me, HA, thats thew best part! People want to know their Father in Heaven - thats the BEST part! ;) Thats the most beautiful part... And we as a family have the privilege to do that! I know I wont be with them for a long time anymore, my time to leave will come soon, BUT as for now, this is my family (and always will be!) and I have the chance to travel with them! Or rather lately they with me, haha....
Its Friday today and for that Im happy! 2 days of no work, just minding my own business, well, not really, but you get the point! :) Gotta run now, but hugs and hugs!;)

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