And sometimes I wish my friends would come and visit me. Oh meen I never felt more lonely then in the last 2 days. Nowhere to go, no-one to visit. It is hard sometimes. Its not all flowers and butterflies for me here. I do have a family, a great one indeed. BUT when it comes to my time off. Bala is small. And the people here dont really welcome new people with open arms. Welsh people, well they love each other, but we are just random someone from somewhere random who gets an occational smile and thats all. In 6 months time I havent made not even 1 local friend. All we get is these young guys throwing balls in our windows and ringing our doorbell tons of time to get the new girls attention. How bad is that? No complaining uh? :) Well Kirsi is made of flesh and blood and sometimes I do need a little place to let my mind out. And if my blog isnt that place then where else? ;) I am not sad or anything, I am not saying I want to come back to Est now. I am just a bit errrorish. I need more people. I am a people´s people and I love just inviting friends over for food and a good cuppa. Or just watchin a movie or staying over... So Im praying for something new to happen. Coz I dont want to move away from here. Not yet.
I absolutelylyutttelyutley am so excited to go to Canada in 1 month. I am gonna be a part of something amazing. I tell you, seeing your younger sister getting married is gonna be hard and tearful BUT so worth it. :)
Oh have I ever told you my 2 weaks spots? Wll I tell you now. ICE CREAM AND DARK CHOCOLATE. I can never say no to these. Just saying. ;) Wink.
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