


I have no idea what Im doing on the pictures but it kind of looks like Im having a good time. My girls Raki+Merku were in Tartu yesterday with me and we did a "little" bit of walking and finally were so tired... Oh well. :P
Going back home today but I have to say I had a great time with friends and...
Did I say I shared my testimony about anorexia and how I came out of it with 70-80 girls yesterday and it was wonderful. I had a chance to talk to a few of them after the testimony and... Oh wow. My heart was overwhelmed with the fact that it touched most of them. I didn't see a girl without tears in that room. And of course the surprise factor when I said Im 25 years old... I had to explain I look like 17 and its fine. :D
Later in the evening 2 girls I didn't know came to me were like, why always the prettiest girls share these stories of hurt and pain... I think it was meant as a compliment. :)
So so! Finito.


raki said...

sa nagu reivid siin pildil :D juba jõuangi igatseda

Kirsika said...

:D reivin vist jah veidi. aga mina sind ka. ;)

Anonymous said...

lol I had to explain I am 25 but look 17 and that's fine! love that. RC xox