


I just want to share something my new friend told me before I write a part II to my camp-story! So here we go:
"And take this as a compliment please - for your age I feel that you are more like us - teenagers, not because of your attitude or immaturance, but because you are so nice and opened to everybody, that brakes the bordes age usualy puts on people..I think thats the real reason so many people couldn't believe your age.
U didn't put yourself above anybody because of your age, and that was really nice.."

So why am I sharing this here. Because it finally made some sense to me why people continually think Im 17-19 years old. :) Thank you my friend and I hope you dont mind me sharing this publicly!


printsess said...

Awww, parim seletus vanuseprobleemile. Mul on TÄPSELT sama jama! Inimesed saavad šoki, kui mu vanust kuulevad. Enamus pakuks mulle 16-18. Kevadel taheti korra pakkuda lausa 20! Ma olin SUPER meelitatud :D
Ma pean nüüd välja uurima, miks mind nii nooreks peetakse :P

Kirsika said...

Ma ei küsinud, ta ise ütles mulle selle ja see tegi mu tuju niii heaks. :) Pani i-le täpi kindlaasti :P