

Do you ever...

So basically. Do you ever feel alone when you are together with a bunch of people? Ok, let me explain this. What I meant was that, you know, you are doing something with someone; for example walking outside with 3 very good friends but there is a hole in your heart? Like you are with them but actually alone?
Well, I have felt that for 2 weeks now. I am back in Tartu. I am with friends and yet... I am alone. I love my friends more then... well more then a lot of things. But Im like an outsider. Yet I am not and they all assure me this. And I know it is not true blabla. But somewhere in my heart there is a hole that is aching. And aching pretty bad... So I am with friends but yet I am alone.
And I know it has a lot to do with my lifechanges. I miss him. Yes. But it is not about that.
Not only. So please.
I am assuring you that I am not crazy or anything, I am just a bit lost. And I tend to find out God´s will for me.


Unknown said...

Sellises "tundmuses" küll midagi imelikku pole. Tuleb ette kõigil, sest oleme ju üksteisest paljuski nii erinevad. Kõigil omad plaanid, omad tegemised. Igatahes. Rõhutan, et üksi sa kohe kindlasti ei ole! Näed...praegugi üritasin siin sõnu seada ja vähemalt sõnas/mõttes toeks olla.

Soovin sulle juba praegu ette kõike paremat seoses välismaale mineku plaaniga!!! :)

Chris said...

hey, i know what you're talking about. another friend of mine posted a blog article this week that i thought you might find encouraging. love and miss you.