

so... is the thing.

Im tired. Im tired of some stuff in my life. Im tired of having no fire. Tired of telling not the whole truth about my heart-condition. And tired of people not caring about people. Tired of being at home. Tired of running between places to be in a contact with the people I love.

I am tired of singing songs that have no meaning to me. I do love worship. Thats not what Im saying here. Once Katja told me that she doesnt want to sing if God isnt telling her stuff into her heart. I know what she says. Ive been there AND I am there. I am made to worship. Its just sometimes I am singing songs and actually doesnt mean it... Have you heard JASON UPTON song that starts : ... tired of telling You You have me, when I know You really dont... If my silence is more truthful...

Well, thats how I feel. Im tired.

And I feel a huge sadness in my heart. Somehow I feel I have been left alone. I have family. Yes. I have friends. Yes. I have a fiancé. Yes. BUT all of them are going on with their lives. And Im sitting here. with no changes. NO fire in me to go on.

Yes, I do wait Fathers Heart Conference in Rakvere. And I know it wont be just another conference. It will be a place of healing.

And I miss my friends constantly. Living in Tartu was easier. At least I had them when I needed them and even when I didnt need them for any certain reason, I still had them close. Now I have to drive 1,5 hours to see any friends at all. It makes me sad and lonely.

Oh and one more thing. I think way too much. Thoughts of sadness, lonelyness and something that I cant say here.

I need a change.

Oh. And 2 weeks at home with Ester and Morri. Not helping a bit.


MaRi said...

Ma tean, mida sa tunned. Sest mina olen ka seda tundnud ja kindlasti tunnen ka veel. Kuid ma tean alati, et see kui ma tunnen tühjust ja mul ei ole rõõmu nende asjade üle, mida ma teen. Siis on aega panna põlved maha ja hakkata otsima Isa tahet ja südant!Ja sealt tuleb rõõm ja elu ja teotahe ja jõudu, et minna edasi.

Rasmus Kull said...

emo lõppegu.