

I wonder

What if Im being prepared for something so big my mind cant grasp it? What if God is doing something so wonderful behind the scenes that it takes a little bit longer for me to reach there and see it...
What if...

What if Im just being very impatient with God? And what if He really wants me to wait a while longer?

I think that my life has been one crazy adventure. Going. Coming. Packing. Unpacking. Sleeping in hundreds of different beds. Seriously in the last week only I have been sleeping in 4 different beds. Not to mention the places and people I have met... Its as if something is going on in my life.
I have been influenced by so many and I have been able to share my story with so many in the last week. Its been so encouraging to see that my story has such a big welcome among the people. Among young women. Girls who need this story to see the light.
I love God. I love how He works...
Sometimes I just wish, ok, again my impatience comes in here... I wish that I could just SEE and DO things straight away. Without the waiting period. Hhaa. Its as if this sentence : "I want patience and I WANT IT NOW" really has a meaning... ;)

I wonder how much my heavenly Father loves me. I wonder how much LOVE He has for you because I mean if He is love then heck, He must have a lot!
If there is something I wish then it is this: I wish that I can wait until it comes whatever Father has for me. That I wouldn't make any stupid decisions because of my "I WANT IT NOW".  (Just an example: I want a baby-I reallyreally do, but I would not just make a baby with someone because I WANT IT, I am willing to wait until it is time for a baby - now you know my secret coz really, I want a baby!).
So but back to reality. Here I am, covered with spots of white all over my hands and legs and Im tired. I had a long work-day, painting tons of wood. Im still in Finland and not sure yet when its time to go home. Im am doing alright, I am actually doing pretty good. So... As we say it: "All is Well"


Anonymous said...

<3 -mirja

Kirsika said...

:) :) :) :)