

Double Double

I have to write it down otherwise the raw emotions I have right now will not be the same later.
This week.
Was absolutely.
I have been to so many FatherHeart Schools before. I cant count anymore. I have heard about His love. I have experienced it. But to actually hear Him speak to you so clear about so many things. Its as if somehow He knew you have felt so invisible and so alone. And its as if He knew you needed a reminder of how precious and valuable you are. And He didnt pass by. He came straight to YOU!
I wont share the details because so many things were personal. But what I can say that maybe for the first time ever I am going to stop focusing on the wrong things. And Im going to start focusing on Him loving me. Im going to focus on my Father and I know that Ill know soon what is my next step. But heck, it doesnt somehow matter so much anymore. It just doesnt.
I met wonderful people. But a part of me is happy I didnt have any close friends there with me so I could put my focus on the teachings and God my Daddy! I shared my heart with some new people. And Im just so amazed how many beautiful people there are in this world. Everyone I meet is so unique and beautiful in their own way. And whoah, what stories everyone have. Im thankfulthankfulthankful! I think I need to stop now. Im not gonna make this post too long.
Just to say that stop chasing after the wrong things. Let your FATHER love you and He will let you do what your heart desires.

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