

Like an action-movie.

My dreams are like action-movies lately. A lot of running and some other sorts of action. Some bad some good. And I dont like it. I dont like dreams, never have and maybe never will. So my prayer is for them to stop. Jup. I got away from one today by a saving alarm...
Just looked at the weather forecast and it says SNOWING for the next 2 days???? LIKE WHAT? Eeeemn, are you kidding me? :D In April, in Wales??? We already had summer here for 2 weeks, what is happening?
So now. Its like 6.09 am and I need to start walking to work soon, and Im still sleeping. Im somewhere in the dream-land of snooze. Maybe. :D
And if I didnt tell you yet, then know this: YOU ARE LOVED. You are so very very very very loved! :)
And so am I!!!

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