


Im ddddooowwwwn. Im tired. I cant sleep in this new flat. I go to bed and I just turn and toss and toss and turn and it takes me at least an hour to get sleep and then I wake up at least 1-2 times during the night and then Im up-up like at 6 or 7am. Now seriously? Can a room next to the main-street really affect me so much? I guess so. And at the weekends the sounds from outside are just unbearable. So I keep stuffing my ears with earplugs. And ok. Im also a bit in a complaining-mood or something like that.
Oh and we people, we are just so freaking weird that Im bothered by it. Like I cut my hair 2 days ago and the amount of attention I recieved was just over the moon. And now, 2 days later, Im craving for more, more, more, more. Like a parasite. Always wanting more. Now whats with that? Oh man, its like an endless cycle we live in. I want to step out from that train and for once be satisfied with the world. With me. With my hair. With my body. With or without compliments and attention. Im just totally all over the place. Forgive me. Not. :)
Oh and by the talks yesterday my future is decided as well. I will move to a mansion in a big forest, have a very hairy husband and kids who are hairy as well and my husband will sing all the sweet squirrels to me and the house is gonna be inside a big cage so the squirrels couldnt escape. Pu-rr-fect. Now, joke or not, its a serious business. The husband-thingy. Im a single woman, 24-soon-to-be-25. HAHA. Ok now you can laugh out loud. Its permitted. Youve got my promission.
Anyway. Im tired. oh I already told that one right?
I did some painting today. Tested my skills. Let me say it like this. ITS SO COOL. The pics are not so good, but I havent hold a brush in my hands for ages. So I tested som colours and patterns. Maybe Ill do some serious business another day. Bits and pieces of diff things. Ive got all the time in the world. ;)
Mum is coming in a week. Now thats sweet.

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