I have a friend. And there was something he told me yesterday that really made me think and happy and think again. So Ive been thinking how come Im involved in so many different styles of music and one part of me has been worried. Coz I see myself uploading a video where I sing a slow worship song with a guitar. And the next moment a real pop-dance song comes out.
And then he said it.
That Im like a chameleon. And I was like, heck, yes! I really am. I don't want to be put in a box.
I know that there will be so many people who will judge me. And if they wouldn't it would be weird actually. Coz not everybody can like what I do. And not everybody will.
This next song that comes out is produced with the same team as the last one "Mida tunneb süda". Our new song is called STEP OUT and I cant wait to share it with the world tonight. But I know there will be a lot of people who are like, WHAT is this? Coz it is so not typical Kirsika-style-slow-worship song. Which is ok. Because Im trying out new things now. Im at a place where I know I can try and learn and record and see where it leads me.
Please do not put me in a box. Please do not label me with something.
Yes, its a dance pop-song. And yes, my heart says that my own music will be something totally different one day. ;) But Im so not gonna excuse myself for enjoying something different for a change...
Step out, my friends. From the frames you put on others and on yourselves! ;)
Ootan, ootan, ootan!
https://soundcloud.com/liisi-vali/kirsika-step-out :)
You go, girl! :)
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