

Bring it on!

10 days and Im gonna be 26 years old. How can that be? I mean I didnt even notice how this year is just flying by. I still remember my last years experience how I was taken to a beautiful castle, ooh and that beautiful ancient dress and photo shoot. It was just such an amazing experience. And Im like, heck, its gonna be a new birthday already.
We have this saying in Estonia that when a person turns 22 then its his/hers last chance but when he/she turns 26 years old then its a new chance, opportunity. Maybe it means that this year will be my year or smth? Haha, well, not really. Coz when one walks with God the Father then every year is a new chance. Every day is a new start, a fresh start. For me it is... I am so happy I get to share my life with my Father coz on my own I would be doing something else. I would be looking to fulfill the empty places in my life and heart and Im not sure Id know who I am...
This last year has been crazy. I mean, I moved back from Wales to my parents as a 25 year old woman and I didnt know anything. Like what turn my life would take. I spent the summer travelling from one place to another and then got a job in Türi-Alliku kindergarten. How weird is that. I promised myself Ill never work with kids and here I am working with kids. Really? Sounds to me like a God-thing coz on my own I would not make it there... And not to mention all the change thats been happening music-wise... Yes, I still dont have my own CD, but I have been able to work together with some amazing musicians. Both in worship and also contemporary Christian music... So Im blessed beyond words and imagination. I just dont know whats next yet but when I look back God always has the NEXT for me in His time and plan! ;)
And what about the change thats been happening inside me? I mean thats the biggest change of all. I know He is healing my heart slowly yet firmly. He is a good Dad, my real Dad! I dont even know all the stuff that He is working with but in a loving way I am guided for sure...
So bring it on. Bring it on: all the adventures, all the NEW, all the friendships that need more healing, all the love that I can give and receive, all the chocolate I "need" and bring it on LIFE!

1 comment:

Juhani Erik Perttula said...

Hi Kirsi
I love to read your blog, you have grow up in Father's love.
Here is some word from The Message.
Before I learned to answer You, I wandered all over the place,
but now I'm in step with Your Word
Ps 119:67

We plan the way we want to live,
but only God makes us able to liv it.
Prov 16:9
God bless you my sister