

I cried with you

Every single time I write a new song and share it with you guys its as if Im sharing myself naked. Its as if a part of me is opened up for everyone to see and comment.
This song is no different. Its the hardest one Ive ever written. Its the only one Ive written with tears in my eyes. Its the most precious one and yet the most beautiful one.
Listen to the lyrics, embrace it and be comforted by it!


I see children die,
No, it wasnt God´s plan
I hear parents cry:
Why it happened to our child?

I see broken hearts,
Questions rising everywhere.
What happened to our world?
What happens to us now?
Tell me where were You?
Where were You?

I tell you I was there,
I saw your pain.
I tell you I was there,
I cried with you.
I tell you I was there,
My heart broke with yours.

But I promise you one thing:
They are safe with Me now.
They are safe with Me.


Juhani Erik Perttula said...

Kiitos Kirsikka
Sanat olivat koskettavat
Taivaan Isän siunausta sinulle

terveisin Juhani

Kirsika said...

Juhani. :):):)