

one life live it!

We all have 1 life. Non of us have 2 or 3 lives no matter how hard you may want to convince me... And we all have choices and opportunities. There are people who will say YES to new things, who will jump in and live their lives to the fullest. Maybe not the happiest at times but they will receive so much and they will see the world. And then there are people who are afraid to step out from the boat. They have their job that keeps them content, maybe an apartment that they like and own. Maybe they have everything they need but not what makes them happy. They have their money which gives them the needed everyday supplies and well, they are content.
And then there are the ones who sell their most precious values and travel to the end of the world for 3 months just to soak in Fathers love, just to take a breath of fresh air. Wow.
I think I belong somewhere in the middle. I will never be someone who will settle at something and not let new things in. Even now, at the age of 25 I have no idea what next season will bring. Yes, I have a job right now but I do not want to get comfortable. I don't want to be like so many people who will do the same job for 10-20 years just because they know what they are doing there, just because its safe. Yes, I cant wait to get married and have kids and my own place that I can take care of and make cozy but I know when God says go, I will go. Sometimes my brain says, what the heck are you doing, why all these new challenges and why all these new things. Well, its coz my Father in Heaven knows me. He knows I love adventures even if Im afraid. Even when Im so afraid Im about to pee my pants every time I take up a new challenge.
 For the last 6 years He has guided me step by step. Step by step. All the time He goes first and Im the one who goes with Him. Driving licence, Bible School, Music School, Wales-Bala, work in a kindergarten... All these have NOT been my plans but His.
When I look back at my last year 2012 I just want to cry out loud. Because its been so hard for me. And yet I have been safe in His hands. I had to come back from Wales and I was thrown into unknown. And He caught me and Im safe. I have been living with my parents and Ester for the last 8 months and its been one crazy road. But with Him. Better crazy with Him than crazy without Him... I really really want to thank YOU, my friend for supporting me. For being there for me even when I havent been there for you. We are all human-beings. We all make mistakes and fall.
But today Im thankful. That I have a job, a family, friends who love me.
Im thankful I can make music. And I know that I know that I know there will be a day my CD is out with my own songs. Coz my God is greater than any obstacle. New projects are waiting, new blessings.
And you know what, Im me. You are you. Your life is something so precious. So at that point we are the same. You and Me - we are the same. Coz we are both precious and His beloved ones.
Be so blessed on your road. Be blessed and safe with Him. But not too safe to go after your dreams and heart-desires. Be Bold and Courageous. And know that He is with YOU!

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