


I called my mum. She didnt pick up. Then I called my dad. He picked up and handed the phone to mum who just had a worship-rehearsal. She really is a wonder-woman. I love her so very much from the bottom of my heart to the top of my heart. She has no voice and she is ill. And yet she is leading worship in FH Conference in Võru. She is incredable. So I just asked her permission to pray for her and she was like YES YES YES. So I did. I just asked Father God to protect her and the team and everyone attending. And I got this huge desire to be there with them. To support them, to comfort, to help, to carry them if needed. Etc. I cant. But I can in my heart. So there we go. Im there with them in my heart. I can pray for them, over them. And thats my part at the moment. And its the greatest part. :) And its a beautiful part. Coz then Dad can do great things. Without me worrying, but instead praying. And He is over this conference anyway. In every area!
So if you can, GO THERE today or tomorrow. To Võru. To the conference. Its wonderful.

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