As I was sitting on a session last night I was holding Miss Finn in my arms. I took her with me already while I was leading worship but something happened when I looked into that little bear´s eyes. I just felt loved.
Ok you are probably like, who is Miss Finn? She is a little teddy-bear brought here from Finland. Not to me, but to V+R and now she lives in our chapel. And y-day she was helping me. Hey, Im not weird or anything, sometimes Daddy tries to tell us things through things. If you get my point.
So as she was sitting with me, in my arms, I felt loved. With big L. So if you remember my last post ab having a hard hard day, well, Miss Finn made it tons better. With her soft eyes just staring at me telling me: " I LOVE YOU!"
Hey :-) I want to meet Miss Finn!!!
This is just a random teddy-picture, but YOU SO shall meet her the next time you are here. I will make sure of that! :) And one day when I will own my first teddy- you shall meet her or him as well! ;)
sulle ka kallikallikalli!!!!!!! :)
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