

Picky. Me?

So today after work, R gave me a lift home. While he was driving we were just talking about random stuff. I mean R is in his 60´s and he is just one clever man. And he knows how to make me laugh... So at one point, I have no idea how, the topic went to boys. Oh well. It usually ends up there coz Im single. Of course. So he just looks at me and says that I probably have no problem finding guys, Im just too PICKY. And Im already about to open my mouth and he is like, no, but thats a good thing, you should be picky. So there we go. (First of all, there is no one to be picky about and second, if you think Im that picky, give me a few guys to demonstrate that!)... And then after he has said that he comes up with this genious plan that he should take me to some big youth-events next year so I might meet my man there. Oh hey, yeah. :D
Fun days. It sure is good to be back.
PICKY, uisfjbhdxciksfnk.

1 comment:

printsess said...

Haha, people looking for a husband for you! I so know what you feel. And I've come to a conclusion that they do it, because they love you so much that they want the best for you.
Räägin loo sellest suvest. Meil oli kirikus abis misjonigrupp, kellest pooltega tutvusin neli aastat tagasi, kui nad olid Viitkal abis. Igastahes, seal grupis on paar aktiivset naist, kes küsitlesid KÕIKI mehi, keda nad kohtasid, et üle kontrollida, kas keegi neist sobiks mulle. Nagu APPIIIII!! :D Ja mina olin just oma elus jõudnud punkti, kus olin rõõmus ja õnnelik selle üle, et olen vallaline. Ja muidugi hakkas siis kogu grupp muudkui arutlema jne. Samas armastan neid inimesi südamest ja tean, et enamus neist võtab mind kui oma tütart ning nad tahavad mulle ainult parimat :) So let's appreciate that! :)