


I still look back at that day with a smile on my face. To call them a young couple brings me so much joy and happiness. The day their story was on Reporter (in case you missed it --> my grandpa called me and was like, you HAVE to watch it... What an excitement in his voice. I couldn't be more happier for them, I couldn't be more thankful to God. :) Anyway that is that and his happiness means the world to me.

But something else caught my eye this morning. I read a short update from a classmate of mine (back from high school time) and there was this great irony about some famous Estonian Christians being really drunk in Tallinn. It hurt my heart so bad. I couldn't believe it, well, actually I could and that hurt even more. Such a way to show people how much we love God and?? I know her skepticism about Christians anyway and now that? Why do we draw so much crappy attention on us? Why our actions doesn't speak out love and compassion and hope and joy? I mean, yes, make mistakes BUT don't go around being hypocrite. I seriously dislike that (I wanted to use word hate, but I think its too strong)...

But alright, I have two days off and if Im ready one day, Ill share a bit about my work with you. Until then, be who you are and show love to others. :)

1 comment:

printsess said...

See sissekanne tuletas mulle meelde Casting Crowns'i laulu"If we are the body" :)