

One day as I was chatting with a friend I realized I needed to sing at my grandpa´s wedding. And I was like, I dont have any songs coz the two good ones I had I sang at my parents ceremony already and I dont want to do the same songs... So the other day when I took Mr.Morri out I started to hum this tune in my head and a few words came, so I hurried back inside, sat down and wrote down their story. In a song. How they met, then had to go their separate ways and then were reunited again in God´s timing. And as I was singing it I was so touched by it coz Daddy´s timing really is perfect.
Even though most of my days I find it hard to believe.
I have all these questions like, where is my man? Why do I live with my little sister and parents right now? Where is my place? My job? My passions and my interests? 
But seeing the story of my grandpa and Ellen, its as if Father is whispering, dont worry and take chances. Dont worry. Do the things you love and LOVE the things you do now. The little things. Like taking Ester to school. Walking with a friend. Playing guitar in your bedroom. Taking dad to the bus-station. Baby-sitting your niece´s baby. The little thing.
So yes. What a strange situation Im in now. But maybe its just the way its suppose to be! ;) Coz my Dad´s plans for me are bigger than my own.

Cant wait to put on a dress again and go have fun at the wedding. And maybe even be encouraged that my man will come. On a right time. With the right motives. And with a passion and heart for me.

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