I really dont like to be angry.
And I really dont like speeches a la "we don't have any money because our government is stupid and so on..." but today something really touched me.
I read an article about single moms. Two sisters who live together just to save money (younger sister has 1 boy and older has 3 girls, so its 6 people all together) in a small apartment. Their men just left them coz they felt they couldn't handle the responsibility. Well, something in me wanted to scream.
We live in this society where boys grow up not knowing their fathers. Girls who grow up not knowing their fathers. And the other way around as well in many cases (the boy whose support person I am grows up with his dad)... And I just have this question: What the heck? Why couldn't these dads be dads for their kids; I mean their mothers have to manage with almost no money and no support?? Why is no one supporting them? I mean single parent in Estonia get 19 euros a month as an extra support. REALLY? 19 euros? I cant even buy normal trousers with that money... I just sat reading this article stunned, not that I haven't heard stories like that before but still it spoke to me.
So basically I was touched by two things. First - where are these men who can stand up and say: we can and we will! And second - why is no one supporting single parents? Ok maybe Im exaggerating here a bit and there probably is some sort of support but is it enough? What they said there was that what they need most is someone who holds them and tells them they´re loved. Someone to whom they can go to and say, can I get a hug... I get that. There are so many days I feel like I NEED A HUG. But I have a family who are willing to give me as many hugs as needed.
Anyway back to my point. I just feel as though Estonia is a place where people are not valued. Im not saying one can buy happiness with money, but groceries and everyday supplies for sure. We need many things to survive and if 6 people have to live in one room in order to survive I dont think Estonian government is doing good enough job to help.
I hope it has made you think. It sure made me feel thankful that I can live at my parents apartment right now without paying rent and almost always having food in front of me. Its not even a little thing, its a big big thing. Find someone who needs a hug. If you want a hug you must give one. Just saying. ;)
Hey,I understand too, that things can be really hard in Estonia!
But there is some support you can get from government. There is such a thing as poverty level, if your income is less than that ( I think it was like 80 Euros a month per person) then government will pay your rent, utilites and even electric bill. I had single mom with 4 children rent my apartment and government paid the rent and utilities for them.
And of course, these dads are terrible leaving their children like that.But the government does require them pay child support for them. And the moms need to demand it from them, and they can even go to court and get the support...
But just a side note as well...Were these sisters married?
There are too many single moms in Estonia, because people live together and sleep together without being married...And maybe it had little bit something to do with these women as well...
Anyway, we need to keep our country in prayer and the more godliness we have in our nation, the better it is! I am thankful, that there are few Christians like you and your family still there, making the difference!
Mulle meeldivad su mõtted väga... Aitäh, et jagasid. Olen sinuga nõus, et nad ei olnud abilus. Üks õdedest oli abielus, kui esimene laps sündis ja siis tuli lahutus, aga ma kardan, et sellisesse ringi sattumine on kerge, tuleb mees, uus lootus ja ei mingeid kohustusi... Ma tänan Jumalat enda pere eest, kus asjad on paigas. Aga ma näen enda ümber seda kõike ja lihtsalt nii palju küsimusi tekib. Muidugi üks tekst Joyce-lt oli hea, et küsimuste asemel tasuks tänada ja lihtsalt usaldada.
Aga rohkem Jumalat vajab meie maa kindlasti. Et inimesed võtaksid vastutust oma tegude eest, et nad ei jookseks ära... Ja et meie valitsuse silmad läheksid nii paljude asjade koha pealt lahti. :)
Eesti poliitika ning toetus- ja palgasüsteemid... ma ei taha selle kõige peale liiga palju mõelda, sest saan liiga vihaseks.
Kirsi, sul on õigus, et asjad ei ole paigas ning midagi peab muutuma. Kun ama väga poliitika inimene pole, siis ma ei hakka rääkima, mis ja kuidas. Aga siin Norras elades olen näinud mitmeid asju. mida Eesti riik võiks nt rakendada. Inimesed vajavad enam abi, kui nad seda Eestis hetkel saavad. Mitte kõik, aga siiski üsna paljud.
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