Kui palju on mult viimasel ajal küsitud, et miks ma eesti keeles ei kirjuta. Aus vastus: mulle meeldib inglise keeles. Ja samas saan ma aru, et ma elan ju Eestis, mu sõbrad on eestlased ja enamik mu lugejaid on eestlased. Ning ära on eksinud mõned ameeriklased ja lätlased. Seega nende viimaste pärast olengi inglise keeles kirjutanud.
Aga seekordne postitus on eesti keelne. Mulle õeldi hiljuti, et mu lumehelbe postitus oli luuleline. Lugesin selle taaskord läbi ja peaks mainima, et pigem oli see naeruväärne. Luulet ma sealt ei leidnud, küll aga enda imelike mõtete maailma... Kus mujal ma siis oma "vahvaid" mõtteid avaldan, kui mitte siin, blogis. Ma tänan Jumalat, et keegi mu 8-aasta jooksul kirjutatud päevikuid lugenud pole ja ei saa ka, kuna need on minu kodus, kapis peidus. JA EMA, ära mitte mõtlegi otsima minna, ma saan aru!!!!!!!! :D Sest seal on ikka tõelist luulet. Ok, naljakoht!
Istun praegu Tartus, tooli peal. Kell on 10:45 hommikul ja ma just ärkasin. Ma olen veidi imelikuks muutunud; varem oli nii, et vara hommikul üles ja vara magama... Nüüd on asjad kuidagi vastupidi läinud. Mine veel koju ja astu isa jälgedesse. Oo ei!
Homme pulma siis. Laulma lähen ja tegelikult kutsuti meie pere ikka päriselt ka. :) Ei ole ainult laululindu vaja, vaid lauluperet... See ei olnud naljakoht.
Ja siis on mul küsimus, et mis ma homme õhtul teen? Sest homme on 31.Detsember, selle aasta ärasaatmine. Mul ei ole mitte ühtegi plaani. Mul on Tess ja Vivia ja kindlasti veel mõned. Aga eks ma täna saan teada. Selle aasta viimane päev jah? Päris huvitav siis.
Käisin eile sõbranjel külas. Sõin üle 5 aasta eimest korda krõpsu... Teen viimasel ajal selliseid asju, et ise ka ei usuks. MIS mõttes krõpsu? Mmmmm, aga hea oli küll. Mitte nii hea, kui ma mäletasin, aga ikkagi. :D
Tavai, tsau. Ma lihtsalt ei viitsi trükkida enam.
Sometimes the most real things in the world are the things we cant see!
Christmas is over. Maybe thats why its also melting outside... I would like to go and sit under a palm tree and drink cold cold water. Maybe its a stupid idea since first time in many years we had a chance to enjoy white Christmas. Its just that I was sick most of the time. I have been sleeping and watching Tv, and eating. Sounds fun huh? I guess it was too hard for me, all of this travelling and singing, singing, singing... and when I arrived home I just fell apart, so its been mostly sleeping and doing nothing special.
Ooh, and its been a lot of thinking also. Sometimes I hate that when I have not much to do I start to think and enventually it goes too far coz I start to worry about things and I might hurt someone through that. Instead of praying and trusting I worry.
Why should I worry about tomorrow when you´re the one who holds my future in your hands?
I was in Latvia for 3 days and it was 2in1 time for me. Im not gonna explain the bad part but the good part was amazing. God worked through my voice and it feels good to know that in my times of sadness He can pour out His love and His healing to peoples lives!!!! :)
Im home for 2 more days and then back to Tartu. Need to practise for a wedding Im going on a 31st of December. I mean Im not gonna practise for getting married, no no!!! :D Im gonna practise 2 songs Im singing there. ;)
And since my school starts on the 5th of Januray I cant go to FIN with my parents. I really wanted but I dont wanna miss school for 2 weeks. Its way too long time. 1 week- yes, but 2?
I want to go there, SO much. I miss finnish people, friends there and I need a time off but I cant... why oh why? :D
Labi, Im gonna do some practial stuff now, help mom and make some handicraft. ;)
Christmas is over. Maybe thats why its also melting outside... I would like to go and sit under a palm tree and drink cold cold water. Maybe its a stupid idea since first time in many years we had a chance to enjoy white Christmas. Its just that I was sick most of the time. I have been sleeping and watching Tv, and eating. Sounds fun huh? I guess it was too hard for me, all of this travelling and singing, singing, singing... and when I arrived home I just fell apart, so its been mostly sleeping and doing nothing special.
Ooh, and its been a lot of thinking also. Sometimes I hate that when I have not much to do I start to think and enventually it goes too far coz I start to worry about things and I might hurt someone through that. Instead of praying and trusting I worry.
Why should I worry about tomorrow when you´re the one who holds my future in your hands?
I was in Latvia for 3 days and it was 2in1 time for me. Im not gonna explain the bad part but the good part was amazing. God worked through my voice and it feels good to know that in my times of sadness He can pour out His love and His healing to peoples lives!!!! :)
Im home for 2 more days and then back to Tartu. Need to practise for a wedding Im going on a 31st of December. I mean Im not gonna practise for getting married, no no!!! :D Im gonna practise 2 songs Im singing there. ;)
And since my school starts on the 5th of Januray I cant go to FIN with my parents. I really wanted but I dont wanna miss school for 2 weeks. Its way too long time. 1 week- yes, but 2?
I want to go there, SO much. I miss finnish people, friends there and I need a time off but I cant... why oh why? :D
Labi, Im gonna do some practial stuff now, help mom and make some handicraft. ;)
Sometimes I wish...
...I was a snowflake. Then maybe I would fall into a white hat that walks into a warm room. Then I would melt... Or maybe I would fall into someones tongue that is waiting for me. Or someone stretches out their hand and I would fall there. On a red glove.
But then again Im happy be me. Who wants to melt or to be eaten anyway?
:) I know I have some strange thoughts sometimes. I like it though...
Well, anyway. I am doing good, actually very busy but good. I get my strenght from the One who takes care of me so dearly! Ive been singing, studying, running (toward school and home) and doing lots of other things. But thats ok since I have nothing else to do anyway! ;)
And I got my first tests done today, I got really good marks. OOOH. which is wonderful! :)
mmm, It is snowing outside... I just put on some new decorations in my room. Dark-red balls hanging down from a cream-white curtain. Beautiful. and then I have a huge golden candle... ooh. its pretty in my room. I love it.
3-4 more tests to come plus a lot of singing. 1 test is also in singing (4 mandatory songs and some exercises), then a concert in church (ooh 1 girl asked me to sing in front of a quire. its great)... plus 4 concerts where Im gonna be a 2nd singer (as a second voice singer)... and then our jazz-department concert=2 songs there... :) Sounds good huh?
BUT God remains the same. always and forever.
Emm, mõtlesin, et kirjutan veidi ka eesti keeles. :)
Nii, igal juhul oli mu mõtteheietus lumehelbeks olemisest... ja siis kribasin veidi oma esinemistest. Ja tänasest päevast. :)
mmmm. ma tahan koju tulla juba. aga igal juhul. Järgmine nädal kolmapäeval olen kodus nagu naksti. paar päeva ja siis jooksen edasi.
seniks kallistan. :)
But then again Im happy be me. Who wants to melt or to be eaten anyway?
:) I know I have some strange thoughts sometimes. I like it though...
Well, anyway. I am doing good, actually very busy but good. I get my strenght from the One who takes care of me so dearly! Ive been singing, studying, running (toward school and home) and doing lots of other things. But thats ok since I have nothing else to do anyway! ;)
And I got my first tests done today, I got really good marks. OOOH. which is wonderful! :)
mmm, It is snowing outside... I just put on some new decorations in my room. Dark-red balls hanging down from a cream-white curtain. Beautiful. and then I have a huge golden candle... ooh. its pretty in my room. I love it.
3-4 more tests to come plus a lot of singing. 1 test is also in singing (4 mandatory songs and some exercises), then a concert in church (ooh 1 girl asked me to sing in front of a quire. its great)... plus 4 concerts where Im gonna be a 2nd singer (as a second voice singer)... and then our jazz-department concert=2 songs there... :) Sounds good huh?
BUT God remains the same. always and forever.
Emm, mõtlesin, et kirjutan veidi ka eesti keeles. :)
Nii, igal juhul oli mu mõtteheietus lumehelbeks olemisest... ja siis kribasin veidi oma esinemistest. Ja tänasest päevast. :)
mmmm. ma tahan koju tulla juba. aga igal juhul. Järgmine nädal kolmapäeval olen kodus nagu naksti. paar päeva ja siis jooksen edasi.
seniks kallistan. :)
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