-Waking up in the morning and having no food; and suddenly someone comes and gives me SO much food to eat that I cant move afer that.
-Feeling like crap; and again someone comes and says that I shine and I just made his day by being there, that his heart jumps when he sees me (my teacher).
-Feeling lonely; hearing my Dad whispering to me: I CARE FOR U MY DARLING and you are not alone, Im with you!
-Being sick; and having a phone call and someone asks, how are you doing? I am praying for you. Dont give up, hang on there...
-Doing something wrong; talking to someone and realizing that I am not alone in this, that I can ask for forgiveness and everything is not gone, that I still have so much ahead if I just go forward and try not to make that mistake again.
-Feeling like giving up; having a skype conversation w someone and having him saying to me: DONT give up, pray, wait and you will see.
-Being challenged; realizing that God never gives us more then we can handle. He is there when I AM challenged, wow. I am HIS daughter and He cares so much that He died for me.
-Walking on the street and seeing people who are in love; I mean WHO doesnt want to smile if they see something like that?
-Holding someone elses beer in my hands and NOT wanting to drink it; which means that Andis makes me smile! :)
I could go forever and forever with this... There is so much in this world, little things, big things. Smiling is a beautiful thing, NEVER forget to do that coz there is so much to be thankful for.
I could go forever and forever with this... There is so much in this world, little things, big things. Smiling is a beautiful thing, NEVER forget to do that coz there is so much to be thankful for.
Have you ever wondered what could be the true meaning for a word "heck" :)I looked it up once...
That's how it goes in dictionary - heck [hek] s & interj fam põrgu (= hell); tarvit peam kirumissõnana, nt by ~! kirevase pärast!; what the ~ ...! mis pagana ...!
My friendly advice to you - think twice while using it ;)
Didn't mean to harm you though...
I'm glad you have so many reasons to smile for your smile is beautiful!
aitähhh Merle. Mõnikord kasutame väljendeid jms ilma et teaksime, mis need tähendavad. Kustutasin selle sõna oma blogist ja ÜRITAN seda vähendada oma sõnavarast, mis saab vist raske olema, SEST ma kasutan seda päris palju. oioi.
:) veeelkord tänud.
Võta heaks, Kirsika :)
Sain isegi "mõnusalt" üles raputatud, kui seda sõna ühe oma kristlasest ameerika sõbraga vesteldes kasutasin... See oli valus ;) I will never ever use it again :) :) :)
Päikest Sulle ja palju naeratusi ning veel palju enesekontrolli :) Kui Sul viimast üle jääb, siis hoia seda minu jaoks ka - mul ses valdkonnas pidev defitsiid :)
Kallistan vastu ;)
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