

Now then.

Hello there.
So I must say again. And again and probably a 100x more in this blog how amazing people I have in my life. I have many friends but there are a few of them who actually dare to speak truth into my life and for that Im am grateful. For that I am thankful. And yeah, it is hard to always trust and listen and actually take it in what they have to say to you but heck its worth it. Its worth to listen and recieve rather then be stubborn and negative.
Today was not the easiest day. Migraine and a moodymood. But thats not gonna define who I am. I am Kirsika, a Daughter of God, I am a Princess and I am Loved by my Beloved. I am Fearfully and Wonderfully made, knitted together in my mother´s womb.
And Ive got some pretty good news.
Well, maybe you´re a man, so please dont be offended and all, just change the SHE part with HE and there you go. ;)

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