


Haha, now I actually think that I have messed up something somewhere with the dates, because on the 16.of March it should be a year but its only 2 days from today and the number up there is 361?? Eeh Ive always been pretty bad with numbers. :D Oh well. You will survive. If I am alive then you will def survive...
So almost almost a year ago I came here and stayed. I came for 6 months and soon it´ll be 12... How crazy is that?
I dont have a lot to say today expect this: APPRECIATE YOUR home, your family, your friends. These are the things that stay. Money will always come and go and so does everything else. But there are a certain people, certain places that will always welcome you. So your job is to appreciate them. I mean it. :)

Mh, actually. I do have some greatt news. MY PAPA IS COMING TO BALA next month for 10 days and Margus with him. Hurrayyyy! Im pretty happyclappy about this. We´re gonna rock´n´roll. Ok, they´re probably gonna rest, Ill do the rocking and rolling. :D So yeah...

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