

Those who read my blog, please please do not write to me on FB this week coz Im not there. Im kind of taking a break (not to confuse with fasting), a long-needed break. From all the people, from all the likes (and the need to get likes), from all the "look, what I had for breakfast-pictures" etc. I have no idea how long that break is for me but right now until Saturday for sure. We´ll see. Sometimes I grow so weary and tired of all the people that I actually dont know, their doings, everyday life. Like Im living in their life without even knowing them. Tired tired tired. Anyway, this is not me FASTING of smth.
Wanna keep in touch? Well, I have my phone. I have my e-mail address. Contact me. Skype me. Even better - visit me! Be a friend that FB somehow takes away from us! :)

I have been sick for a week now. Huh, not good. Last night was up around 5am because of a sudden coughing attack or smth like that. It just does not feel great to be at home and do nothing. I am a bit better today already so we´ll see what tomorrow brings. Hopefully sunshine and more health... ;)

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