

March winds...

And the March winds are blowing real strong... I must say Im scared of how time goes by so fast. Its been a year since I found myself a church, a place I call HOME. This month has definitely been a month of decisions. Ok actually this year in general. And only good has come out of it. I guess the sentence I would use for this year is : the best is yet to come. And truth be told THE BEST IS YET TO COME. I want to wake up/call alive all my biggest dreams this year. I want to start working on my biggest dreams. Go for something, go for something new. I need your help. I need people around me to encourage me. No one can do things alone. We all need someone to tell us that we CAN DO IT. That we have what it takes. And the thing is, we all do have what it takes. We all.

I am finally doing some things for myself. I went to a theater last week, oh and I went to 2 (+1 on the previous week) concerts and I just enjoyed all 3 of them. It fed my soul. I am 26 for goodness sake, soon 27. I love youth. I love church. I like my job. But I need something that is just for ME from time to time. We all do I guess... And seeing Pride and Prejudice on a stage was just way over my mind. Such a precious evening...
Mmmmmh and ofc I am so very much looking forward to go to Creek. It will be awesome. It will be one of the highlights this year. And it seems that once again I am the youngest one... Guess there will be a lot of taking care of me and looking after me, oh and do I mind? Not at all. :D
I still have my upanddownmoments and I guess people are used to this already. I had a conversation with a friend last night and asked if I am wining too much... Sometimes I think I am. But then again. I am not a robot. I have feelings. I have emotions. I have all that every woman has. YouknowwhatImean and maybe you dontknowwhatImean. But heck I am not a robot and never will be. I will still wine occasionally and I will still be me every day. And if someone tries to change me (except God) then I assure you that it is not working. ;)

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