

Grandpa II

I don't know whats going on and why God is doing this but for the second (ok I think I am lying, it has happened many times, but the 2 times I know for sure sure) time in my life He has put me in a situation where I have to share my time and space with someone I don't-didn't like. I am honest. There was a time in my life I absolutely disliked my grandpa. I had a very hard time bonding with him and I just didn't want to spend any of my time or words with him. And here I am, living in one apartment and sharing meals and we actually talk. Seriously?
I didn't know how to respond when I heard that my family is going to Finland and Im stuck with him for 2 weeks or more, well...
And when they left it suddenly felt good. Not a burden at all.
And the way he has encouraged me in the last 2 days... Little things.
Like that fact that he gave me a look of approval when I came out of my room with a dress the other day. Or that he told me something wonderful about love. That God always has someone for us if we just trust Him. Or the way he cooked for me today and then asked my opinion how I want it.
Or how he said a prayer before he ate. I almost choked because I have never really shared a meal with him and it spoke into my heart the way he was so thankful to Father that he has food on a table and a room to sleep in. So basically I am seeing something here I never expected to see.
I am seeing love. Love shared and received.
And I am thankful.

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