


Yummy. I just felt like I did something my granny used to do. Oh wait, I actually did something my granny used to do... Okok, that was not funny. :)
But I did wake up and made myself a very homey (is that a word or does it actually sound like Homer??) breakfast. A piece of toast soaked in milk+egg+sugar+cinnamon which of course ended up in a frying pan. Oh so good with maple syrup (which is so not like my granny who always put double portion of sugar instead)...
And top it all up with a great big hole for missing my grandma. She was something special. Both of my grannys were but one of them left a mark in me and I am who I am today partly (maybe even mostly) because of her. She was the one who showed me how to pray when things got rough. And how to work. Really work, not lazy around. How to dig holes and clean strawberries. How to act so others wouldnt get hurt. And how to love. She showed me what love meant. For her it was sleeping in one big bed with 5 kids while she was somewhere in the corner not having enough space to breathe. Love also was giving money to buy ice cream when there was no money. Or smiling her most beautiful smile when I was hurting and telling me everythings gonna be alright. Or putting a tea leaf on a scratch I got when running around and climbing trees (not a very girly thing to do, but heck). Sometimes it was strawberries soaked in a milk and sugar or a big pile of food on my plate so I wouldnt go skinny (like that was ever possible with her food)... But most of the times it was just her with her presence. She had something about her that made her the best granny in the whole wide world.
And my world shook quite a lot when she left to meet Jesus some years ago. But I smiled through tears coz I knew she was in a better place. A place where she finally could rest and a place where she could pray for us and not fear. A place where the word FEAR dont even excist. Oh how I long to meet her one day. And climb into her arms and not let go. She is my role model and one of the most beautiful people I have ever met. There is non like her.
My beautiful beautiful granny.
I miss you.
A lot.

Amazing grace how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost but now am found
Was blind, but now, I see

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