

Little rain.

Oh how cozy I feel at the moment sitting on my bed listening to the crazy rain outside. Its just pouring and pouring. I think bringing my pink was the best decision I have EVER made. Seriously. Bala is the master of rain. It is so constant here that I dont even notice it anymore. I used to dislike rain so so so much coz it stopped me from doing stuff. It sure doesnt stop me anymore.
And the other cozy thing. My Mr. Darcy is loving me today. Well, not my finger-tips (oh men, thats the hardest part for me. I used to love love love having long nails, polished red or smth, and not its only short and the finger-tips, uggh, hard and calloused), but hey, thats not the main thing right. The thing is that I just played an hour or so. Tried to sing along but it was more just enjoying playing this time... Dont know whats with that. Sometimes its horrible, sometimes wonderful. But Im at the very beginning. Sure Im getting there one day when I can just sit and play without stopping etc. But Im already in a progress and not stopping now.
Ok just random thoughts.
Now Ive only got tomorrow til Estonia.
Ok someone shoult hit me or something. I cant stop talking about the E-word. :D

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